Friday, December 21, 2007

Tis the Season


Dan told me that I'm getting this for Christmas. (Click on word "this") if the hyperlink color doesn't clearly come thru.

Kim had ankle surgery on Wednesday. She's off the morphine and is being discharged today...after she checks in at the psych ward.

I finished most of my Christmas shopping with Sandra last night...though I realized that I bought Dan and my Dad the wrong dress shirt size. I did buy another pair of red shoes for myself...and a sweater...and some undies...

I'm off for a few days...HOORAY

I'm going to dare to brave the post office again today.

My kitchen table is completely full of gifts that need to be wrapped.

Columbian food for dinner tonight with Stay.

Chris and Francea over tomorrow night for dinner. Hopefully we can see Walk Hard.


Our landlady converting her garage to a studio. Bummer.

and a partridge in a pear treeeeeeeee


Anonymous said...


Kimberlee A. Dworczyk said...

Thanks for all the kind wishes guys, you’ll never know how much I need them right now.

I have an overwhelming urge to ‘tell’ for some reason. Annie, hope you don’t mind me using your bloggie blog. Maybe getting this out will help me a little, possibly caution someone else?

Yesterday over two dozen staples were removed from both sides of my ankle as I cried and cringed, unable to watch. It appeared movie-ish to me, all black, blue, and bloody. My doc (who missed his calling as a comedian) said some bullshit about being on a good healing path and doing well (little does he know). My soft-splint was removed and replaced with the common itchy, fugly, hard-cast up to my knee. It’s royal blue, heavy, and makes kneeling difficult. My knees were previously a wonderful trick to get up the dang stairs, now I have to go back to using my butt one step at a time.

To quote Ann-Marie, ‘my leg is incredibly burly’ after close to 3 weeks. Eww. Totally icky-poo-poo.

I’m told this blue cast will be safer when (trying to be) mobile, but I regret not bringing a razor - that shit’s gonna get stinky and nastay.

The X-Ray. OK. After dramatically shouting “holy shit” and seeing it jolt my doc- I was taken aback and in awe. Part by the size and quantity of screws in the bone; part by medical advances in general, and part by trying to accept both -being in my friggin ankle.

Inner ankle contains TWO 3 inch long screws, drilled upward on a 45 degree angle or so. Them suckers are fucking huge and scary. Outer ankle contains a long metal plate, about 8 inches long with SEVEN screws, each screw is a little over one inch long.

Guys, this is by far the most painful, dreadful, horrific, excruciating and agonizing experience I have ever been thru. PS I’ve already survived two piercing kidney stones, one which was quite large. Oh, and AZ - I was given top of the line pain killers which are part oxycodone or oxycotin-and part percoset. I used to believe a few of these could put an elephant in a solid coma, however they are barely helping the pain. Let’s not even discuss the blood thinner I have been injecting into the fat of my belly, which will continue for at least the next 3 weeks.

Anyways, I appreciate this a lot. Letting me vent. It’s been difficult. Too often. Hard to express.

Please, everyone be very careful this winter season, you just never know. Learn from this- I’ve never appreciated walking so fucking much - as I approach my 3rd week being immobile.

Happy New Year.