Friday, December 21, 2007

Tis the Season


Dan told me that I'm getting this for Christmas. (Click on word "this") if the hyperlink color doesn't clearly come thru.

Kim had ankle surgery on Wednesday. She's off the morphine and is being discharged today...after she checks in at the psych ward.

I finished most of my Christmas shopping with Sandra last night...though I realized that I bought Dan and my Dad the wrong dress shirt size. I did buy another pair of red shoes for myself...and a sweater...and some undies...

I'm off for a few days...HOORAY

I'm going to dare to brave the post office again today.

My kitchen table is completely full of gifts that need to be wrapped.

Columbian food for dinner tonight with Stay.

Chris and Francea over tomorrow night for dinner. Hopefully we can see Walk Hard.


Our landlady converting her garage to a studio. Bummer.

and a partridge in a pear treeeeeeeee

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Word

Poor Kimmee broke her ankle during the bad weather of this past weekend. Today she's supposed to have surgery...

Britney Spears little sister Jamie Lynn is preggers. Mama Spears book on parenting indefinitely delayed. Thank God.

The holiday PR season is dying down. Hallelujah. I'm fucking tired.

A bit of shopping tonight with AZ at The Carlyle.

Holiday shopping...3 more gifts to go. Hoping that all my packages get here by the 24th.

My wonderful sister Amy decides to give me her Christmas list last night. Sorry, Kiddo. No luck on the Ray Ban Aviators this year.

No therapy for two weeks. Hiatus.

Lily Allen pregnant.

Pam Anderson disturbed and addicted to getting married. Long live Kid Rock.

...and a partridge in a pear tree.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

America's Most Lustful Cities

Click on the title of this post for the article
While you are on the Forbes site, read about Most Murderous Cities and their ther "Most" lists.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Reuse or Elimate

Here's my request for 2008...

If you can't reuse plastic bags to line trash bins, for lunch, doggie poop...then please consider bringing a reusable bag in NATURAL FIBERS to the grocery store and to run other daily errands. Plastic bags hurt marine life and take a very long time to biodegrade.

See this video.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I'm having trouble keeping up with my 5 email accounts. It's an attention destroyer. Sometimes I spend time just monitoring them and clicking send/receive.

I signed an author this week for a very short campaign. It's a meaty project and I've already scored three interviews for her since Tuesday. This makes me very happy.

I've had some anxiety as of late - mostly due to two particular work-related things and my uncle Frankie who likes call me drunk and talk about committing suicide. I got pissed this week. Second week in a row when he's called and disrupted me during the business day with this nonsense, which I do not need. I decided to tell him so. I decided to tell him to show me a little fucking respect. Then I cried.

I saw the movie The Mist this weekend and I found it terrifying. There is something about desperation. There is something about the pack mentality. Scary - scary shit. Marcia Gay Harden was awesome and Thomas Jane is pretty cute.

I recall reading the novella when I was a teen deep into Stephen King books. I spent a summer on IT when I was probably 13 and the following summer reading Carrie, The Shining, Pet Semetary and other short stories. Now IT scared the beegeezus out of me, but I remember feeling anxious, unsettled and deeply uncomfortable after reading The Mist. These feelings are my horror.

This weekend we will buy our Christmas tree and do some more holiday shopping - of which I feel hopelessly behind. I will enjoy a Kris Kringle dinner sponsored by my new/old friend Francea on Saturday night at a restaurant I can't fucking remember right now. And tomorrow I will visit Stacy and hopefully we can see the movie Juno, which I'm dying to see.

I am having trouble sleeping again. I'm am also very close to a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis. After a zillion trips to the urologist, a recent gynecology visit to rule out feminine issues (or syphillis) and several tests, the doc thinks he has the answer. I'm very thrilled to know that I'm not nuts, that my bladder won't fall out and that I can still keep both of my kidneys. What sucks is that the foods I may eat may very well effect the frequency of urination and pelvic pain. I may also have to have a minor surgery called a bladder distention or something. Aces.

My cousin Amanda got a baby bulldog. Her name is Luca...she lives on the second floor.

My grandmother was awful last week for her birthday. We took her to Greek, but she wanted Colombian. We wanted her to sleep over, but she feared the snow. We sent her in a car service back home, but she wanted us to drive her. We had wine for dinner, but she wanted a cocktail. We picked her up in the evening when whe wanted to come over in the afternoon. The calamari she ordered didn't have tomato sauce and the pieces were too big. The lentil soup was good, but I didn't tell her that the tripe soup had so much tripe in it as she would have preferred that. Dan didn't give her any olives when he served her Greek salad. The bread didn't come with any butter. If I pay for her car service again, she's not going to visit me anymore. So we take her to the best Greek place in Astoria, but it's just ok. Never again.

Yes, this is my grandmother...the one my mother didn't talk to for years.